Remove from cart
Track remove-from-cart actions to gain insights into user hesitations. Send a separate event for each product removed, excluding quantity adjustments.
This section is relevant for FHR customers only.
Remove from cart actions can offer valuable insights into potential obstacles or hesitations a user may encounter during their purchase journey. Although typically restricted to a cart viewing page, this action may be performed in a range of contexts.
Whenever a user removes a product from a cart (or basket) you should send a remove-from-cart event.
Send a remove-from-cart event only when a product is completely removed, not when its quantity is reduced. Any discrepancies are covered by the purchase event.
You should send a new remove-from-cart event for each distinct product, even if they are removed from cart as part of the same action.
Must be specified as "remove-from-cart"
The ID of the product that was removed from cart; must be identical with the product ID used in FHR
Additional information, such as locale
You do not need to include a source ID for this event.
Last updated